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Minimal Pet Dasboard

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Hello there!

I created this Notion template to help me keep track of all the important aspects of my pet's life. It's a bit different from my usual templates focused on work and social media, but I truly believe it's essential. I've been using it for a few months now and I absolutely love it. I feel more connected to my furry friends and they even seem to be healthier!

Here's what this template includes:

  • Pet Details Section: where you can input your pet's name, birth date, likes, and dislikes. You can also add a cute image of your pet on the dashboard by changing the cover of their page.
  • Pet To-Dos: to keep track of all the tasks you need to do to make your pets happy. Whether it's buying toys, food, or spending quality time with them, you can jot it down here.
  • Feeding Tracker: to ensure you're feeding your pets regularly. You can customize the morning, afternoon, and evening sections to fit your pet's feeding schedule.
  • Pet Budget: to manage your finances related to your pets. Budget for grooming, vet visits, essentials, emergencies, and more.
  • Grooming, Life, and Medical Calendars: for a monthly